Thursday, June 3, 2010

Question of the week: Fruit Juices vs whole fruit?

The following question was submitted by one of my readers, "I am worried because I was just diagnosed with diabetes. I drink freshly squeezed orange juice three times a week. Does orange juice contain too much sugar and is it advisable for a diabetic to drink juice?"

First, since you were just diagnosed with diabetes, I would suggest that you make an appointment with a Registered Dietitian or a C.D.E. (contact your local hospital)to help you develop a meal plan as well as answer any questions and concern you have regarding your new diagnosis.

To answer your question, just a 4 oz glass of juice contains approximately 60 calories and 15 grams of carbohydrate. It is easy to consume more than 4 oz in a sitting. Fruit juices will raise your blood sugar at a rapid pace as well. Juice is best used only to help with hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

I advise that you eat a fresh orange instead of the orange juice. It contains more fiber and takes longer to eat. For these reasons, the whole fruit will leave you feeling satisfied for a longer period of time. Portion control is easier as well.

If you are really missing the orange flavor in a liquid form, I would suggest taking a cool glass of water and adding some orange slices to it. This will flavor your water without all the added calories and sugar.

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