Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Question of the week: Popcorn as a snack choice?

The following question was asked by one of my readers, "I have pre-diabetes and enjoy having an afternoon snack. Is microwave popcorn ok for me to have? "

Popcorn can be a healthy snack depending on how it is prepared. 3 cups of air-popped popcorn has just less than 100 calories and is equivalent to 1 carbohydrate choice. Popcorn is also a good source of fiber!

Microwave popcorn can be an okay choice but read your labels as there are some that are very high in sodium and fat. Keep in mind that a whole bag of microwave popcorn may contain anywhere from 2 - 3 servings.

Calories for microwave popcorn may vary depending on brand. The following website is very helpful in researching nutritional information on different brands, http://caloriecount.about.com/calories-popcorn-ic2508.

In addition to sodium and calories, other items to watch out for on your labels of microwave popcorn:
*Saturated Fat
*Trans Fats

The optimal way to consume popcorn would be if you could air-pop your own (being able to control the type of oil, amount of salt, and toppings that it would contain.

Suggested tasty toppings for your popcorn: A small amount of grated Parmesan, cayenne pepper, Mrs. Dash, paprika, nutritional yeast, lemon pepper, garlic powder,cinnamon, or taco seasoning.

1 comment:

  1. doesn't air popped popcorn simply increases your hunger. a little fat doesn't hurt
