Thursday, May 6, 2010

Walk This Way!

With the arrival of nice weather, ask yourself, "Can I spare 30 minutes a day?". Just a half-hour a day spent walking has tremendous positive benefits to your health.

Start with a smaller goal, commit to 3-4 days a week at first.

For those of you who can't find the time, I suggest using a pedometer. They are fairly inexpensive and easy to use, and useful to track your activity. Set a goal of 10,000 steps per day.

Keep an exercise log and keep track of your pedometer readings, how many days and minutes you walk! I guarantee that once you start, you'll be feeling great and motivated.

To achieve this goal, try one of these ideas:

*Park your car in a parking spot at the end of a lot away from the entrance.
*Take the stairs over the escalator/elevator.
*Walk a message to a co-worker rather than send an email.
*Call a friend and walk together, walk the mall and browse while you exercise.
*Talk a walk after you eat on your lunch hour.

Have any other ideas? Post them as a comment.

Why should I walk (or do other types of exercise)?
*Walking can decrease your risk of heart disease, stroke, and Type 2 Diabetes.
*It gives you an immediate mood boost.
*Reduce stress levels.
*Assist with weight loss and increase lean muscle mass and flexibility.
*Walking will help you sleep better at night.
*Walking may help you squash snack attacks.

Pair up exercise along with a healthy diet and you'll be feeling great in no time.

I hope that I have inspired you - :0)

Source: Vegetarian Times
Photo Courtesy of :

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