Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Question of the week: How do I deal with cravings?

A reader has posed the following question for the blog: "I am very new to the diabetes lifestyle. I have started working out and so far have dropped 8 pounds (I have about 100 pounds still to lose). I am excited about the weight loss so far, but I am scared that I won’t drop the weight and that I will slip somehow. Can you offer any advice in regards to cravings (I have a big sweet tooth and enjoy greasy foods such as burgers and fries)?"

First, congrats on your weight loss! Keep positive - healthy weight loss occurs with a loss of approximately 2 - 3 lbs. weekly and you want to make changes that you will stick in order to maintain your healthier weight.

Exercise is key to a healthier lifestyle and will help you maintain. Building lean body tissue will help you increase your metabolism. As you feel better and see your results it will keep you motivated and prevent you from slipping.

It is imperative that you are not skipping meals or limiting food so excessively that you end up binging later on. Keep in mind that generally, sweets can be very high in calories, fat, and carbohydrates without offering much else nutritionally. If you are unable to save them for special occasions, sometimes giving in to a small bite may relieve your craving.

As far as cravings go, I try to look for healthier substitutes for the things that I crave. For example, I love sweets as well. I have found several products that I use for when those cravings come that I can have in lieu of full fatty/high caloric options.

For example, I have found a product called Vita Tops, Vitamuffins, and Vita Tops. They come in different flavors include chocolate. They are only 100 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 6 grams of fiber. Under the Weight Watchers program they are equivalent to only one point. I feel like I'm having dessert without doing any major "damage". You can get a good deal on these ordering through Amazon and they keep in the freezer.

Peanut Butter is another one of my weaknesses. I just found and tried another product called PB2 by Bell Plantations. It doesn't contain any additives or preservatives, and it is only 45 calories, 1.5g of fat, low in sodium, and a good source of protein for 2 tbsp. See http://www.bellplantation.com/nutrition. It is powdered peanut butter that you add water too. Tastes amazing. It's a little on the pricey side but I find it is worth it as I can enjoy my peanut butter without the extra fat and calories.

Other sweet treats or craving foods I try to purchase in packages that are pre-portioned to keep me from overdoing it. This way I can have a little bit and not go overboard. I also try to limit my snacks to 150 calories max.

Regarding your cravings for fast food, if you must indulge try ordering from the children's menu. The portions are much more reasonable.

Skip the bun on a single patty burger or grilled chicken sandwich and add extra lettuce, tomato, onion, and pickles. Make your own fries at home by slicing a baked potato (brush it with a little bit of olive oil) and putting it in the oven to crisp up. If you feel you must have their fries - order the kid size and split them with a friend.

As with anything you eat, make sure to watch your calories and carbohydrates and make sure they fit into your personal meal plan.

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