Saturday, May 1, 2010


You probably are more familiar with these seeds from a well-known pop culture product, however Chia Seeds are an up and coming superfood! Well before the Chia Pet was created, the Aztecs were first to utilize chia seeds as part of their diet.

Along with their delicious nutty flavor, chia seeds are a good source of omega-3 fats. Published research data suggests these seeds may help lower blood pressure and assist in preventing heart inflammation.

Full of fiber, research suggests that chia seeds can help prevent weight gain and reduce the risk of diabetes. The levels of soluble fiber are sufficient enough that it forms a gel in the stomach that slows food digestion and therefore decreases blood sugar levels as well as give a feeling of satiety.

If that weren't enough, chia seeds contain antioxidants which can help combat chronic disease and approximately six times the amount of calcium in milk. Magnesium and phosphorous, essential to bone-building, are also present in significant amounts in these seeds.

How to use:
*Chia seeds come in white and black varieties. Both are equal in nutritionally.
*Suggested use of 1 - 2 Tbsp daily.
*Chia Seeds do not need to be ground up to get the nutritional benefits.
*Chia Seeds should be refrigerated.
*Mix Chia Seeds into yogurt, sprinkle on oatmeal, salads, stir-frys, toast, cereal, muffin or bread mixes, mix into hamburger, turkey, or veggie burgers.

A little of these goes a long way so one package will last you a while. I purchased mine at Whole Foods. You may not find these in a regular supermarket but check your local Whole Foods or other natural or specialty stores. They are worth the look.

Source: Vegetarian Times


  1. Very interesting!! Thanks for this post. I do have a question, do the seeds need to be cooked prior to consuming or can they be eaten dry?

  2. Nope - chia seeds are eaten raw. You don't even need to grind them. I've been sprinkling them on my toast, cereal, oatmeal, salad. They have a nice nutty flavor!
