Sunday, August 8, 2010

Question of the week: Blood Sugar Numbers

The following question was submitted by one of my readers, "I was just told I am type 2 diabetic. My doctor told me to try to control by numbers by diet. I have noticed my blood sugar is high in the morning before I have eaten. Could you explain why?

There are several reasons why your blood sugar would be high in the morning before you have eaten. There is something called the "dawn effect," also called the "dawn phenomenon," which is a term used to describe an abnormal early-morning increase in blood sugar (glucose) — usually between 2 a.m. and 8 a.m. — in people with diabetes.

Researchers believe it's due to the natural overnight release of hormones — including growth hormones, cortisol, glucagon and epinephrine — that increase insulin resistance.

High morning blood sugar may be caused by other things. Some of the possible causes may be insufficient insulin the night before, incorrect medication dosages or eating carbohydrate snacks at bedtime may cause blood sugar to be elevated in the morning. When necessary, checking your blood sugars once during the night — around 2 a.m. or 3 a.m. — will help you and your doctor to determine if you have the dawn phenomenon or if there's another reason for an elevated morning blood sugar reading.

Based on the blood test results, your doctor may recommend one of the following options to prevent or correct high morning blood sugar levels:

* Not eating a carbohydrate snack at bedtime
* Adjusting your dosage of medication or insulin
* Switching to a different medication
* Using an insulin pump to administer extra insulin during early-morning hours

Source: The Mayo Clinic

1 comment:

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